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Writer's pictureGarth Thompson


Updated: Apr 13, 2022

GCP White Concrete Villa GCPTALKS, Inc. 

Our ideal facility shall be in the Kings County of Brooklyn, New York.

We need your financial support towards purchasing our first nonprofit facility for our Corporation GCPTALKS, Inc.

Our goal now is to gain support from you our potential donors to allow GCPTALKS, Inc. to carry out its plans commencing in the year 2020 and to conduct its 2020 fundraising to obtain donations towards the purposing of a historical nonprofit building within the city and borough of Brooklyn. The GCPTALKS, Inc. facility will serve each community in the boroughs and shall set a president for New York State base on its operational plans and purpose throughout the United States of America and its territories. This shall be a historical building dealing with multipurpose issues of affairs which will locate in or near the Floyd Bennett Field Park and the Rock away vicinity within New York State. The property will include a landscape design to carry out the estate property scenery. Therefore,

GCPTALKS, Inc. will have various public transportation access for example, buses, taxi, private cars, vans, and our non-profit transportation services throughout the night as well as there will be a convenient ride to the GCPTALKS, Inc. headquarters. Additionally, airports, hotels, restaurants, and further destinations access.  The Board of Directors and the founder and president shall be at this location daily to carry out the organization’s oath of office and its duties including all other high ranks of the nonprofit. The GCPTALKS, Inc. facility will help to support children and adults with various illnesses such as cancer.

This very facility shall care for humanity as well as animals and the environment. Our Nonprofit meetings will start from within the chamber and within the founder and president’s cabinet as it shall be a daily operation within this facility of GCPTALKS, Inc. All issues and affairs will be presented to the board of directors’ officers’ at the GCPTALKS, Inc. facility. All meetings including our presidential representative’s meetings, the board of director, steward of the boards meetings, and chairman meetings also within the president’s cabinet will be conducted at the headquarters of GCPTALKS, Inc. Cases and reports of operational meetings will be dealt with in our GCPTALKS facility. The chamber is where the body of the board shall present its cases and that is before the chief board of director who is entitled to present cases to the directors, the senior advisor and the executive board of directors, and the special vice president within the chamber. All information will arrive by the deputy of the chamber and submitted to the chief board of director who will then brief the board of directors.

The chief board of director shall in writing present a confirmation of information to the founder and president while the deputy of the chamber shall meet face to face with the founder and president and all other officers within the office of the founder and president or within the issues affairs room. The founder and president shall meet with the board body to present crucial cases for review and to cast votes passing bills, discuss bylaws and constitutional, and amendments as well as policies. A vast range of events and activities, fundraisers for GCPTALKS, Inc. agricultural-farming, fostering sports for national and cases for review and to cast votes passing bills, discuss bylaws and constitutional, and amendments as well as policies. A vast range of events and activities, fundraisers for GCPTALKS, Inc. agricultural-farming, fostering sports for national and issues, functions, guests, hot meals, GCP TV, and GCP-Radio, shall operate in the GCPTALKS Facility 24/7.

The secretary and the secretary of society along with the deputy of the chamber all offices shall utilize the GCP White Cap Concrete Villa at GCPTALKS, Inc. to carry out our agenda under the bylaws and constitution thereof.  We are calling on the public for donation being they are our nonprofit keeper, we’re calling on them as our potential hope to help with supporting our nonprofit goals and mission with the purchasing of our nonprofit facility as this is a fundraising effort. As we call on donors we also need continuous support for the long-term pledge needs. GCPTALKS, Inc. is in urgent need of a space that will give us the leverage that is crucially needed to achieve what seems to be impossible like planning and promoting. In addition, again to promote GCPTALKS, as well as print t-shirts for sale among other items. Consequently, we need all the support we can get to help with making and marketing our nonprofit corporation aspiration a reality. We implore potential donors to help us now to raise funds today which will make this movement become successful.

Every dollar raised surely will make a great impact and a portion of these funds will

Assure, of our multipurpose dreams such as installing GCP TV and GCP Radio as it shall be used to obtain a solar system. The GCPTALKS, Inc. facility will also be used to conduct cancer research of finding a cure and for other diseases. While we develop agricultural farming and for GCPTALKS programs and projects to foster national and/ or international amateur sports competition for the youth within America and its territories as well as elsewhere needed.

Do you want to help our GCPTALKS nonprofit with its developing ways on how to care for homelessness and their habitats, while helping the poor and making sure the elderly have fresh vegetables from our agricultural farm as we conduct farming to aid the elderly? Not to mention they will receive a paper bag of fresh veggies from our garden on a monthly basis. As we promote positive vibes which are in our system of love for mankind it’s to our very core that we care for those with the struggles of Cohn’s diseases and this nonprofit corporation GCPTALKS, Inc. shall provide for its adopted individuals under our GCP Care Acts programs and projects.

The nonprofit should work on foreign issues affairs with talented artists who have been selected and assigned as brand ambassadors along with America and its territories youth and sports activities and recruit talented athletes to compete in our sports for causes. Yes, most certainly, there shall be sports for causes and some of this sports-tickets-show will give back to the children suffering from cancer, those of whom are AIDS victims, not to mention those who are orphans and have no access to school or college. When it comes to our daily ways of life we need to think BIG for humanity. Hence, when it comes to the daily basis of life caring for students going back to school and student tuition it’s a part of our interest. The nonprofit GCPTALKS {GCPTALKS White Concrete Villa} is essential because it will help-Hundreds and thousands within the millions of young people across America and around the world in years to come. This is why it is imperative that we raise the funds to support our causes, programs, projects, and policies within our bylaws and constitution of the nonprofit GCPTALKS, Inc.

The nonprofit GCPTALKS will have an interest in fighting diseases on every level, name, and size. We shall raise funds to protect the American communities that are faced with any and many types of diseases at the long-term level, this is what we are dedicated to as long as we have our nonprofit. We shall conduct concert fundraising to give back to the dire needs of communities within America and its territories. Therefore, we need funds to purchase the nonprofit historical facility that will shelter us during these developments to report to you the public that we are more determined than ever to see this planned building architect its way through our written proposals to the public and donors, sponsors caregivers as such that can grant us this opportunity that we so desire and with hope as we want to give back to communities in dire needs.

We are a multi-purpose nonprofit who pledged to serve America’s dream and purpose by keeping and showing ways by and how ethnicity can join hands in hands to keep the uplifting of America’s dream soever alive and well for eternity. Shall we fight now to protect animals and humans, erase-cruelty of lives, focus on animal awareness, raise funds to review youth issues, gun violence, and adopt government institutions under proposals?

Therefore, bring about doctors and nurses who can support the needs of those less fortunate and respect the earth in caring for the environment by planting trees. To give our sold comfort to keep them safe from being abused and extinct we will care for our animals, so they will not be extinct. We will do animal raising cattle those which will be neglected and those who might have the animal print Animal Control. We would like to raise those animals on the other nonprofit and use them for showcasing educational purposes for example giving schools a reason to explore our facilities and to learn about different animal species.

To learn more and about Us, visit

GCPTALKS FACILITY FUNDRAISER {ON GoFundMe} DONATE Become a member to support GCPTALKS long term?

Support our cause today if you want to donate to our GCPTALKS FACILITY FUNDRAISER you can simply do so by clicking on the link and go to GOFUNDME? Therefore, the other way in which you can contribute to our fundraiser is to buy a T'Shirt!

Buy a T'Shirts instead of you giving a donation of $30 and more just buy a T'Shirt for $25. If you give a tip of $5 dollars it will be tax deductible! Give a donation of $5 Click to tip at GoFundMe today?

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