Director and Secretary
Arts & Culture
The Director of Arts & Culture
Benefits Humanity Awareness Issues Affairs
Talented Artists
For charitable support through songwriting and singing.
Performance that will make a difference for charities starts with GCPTALKS within NY.
The Communities Entertainment
All people with a gift can share their entertainment skills your gifted side means a lot. Help neighborhoods through community events plan to showcase more.
Supporting the homelessness
Giving to someone in need like the poor who is struggling.
Youth Workshop
The workshop is the shop of the nonprofit where the workshop's purpose is to bring people within the community together. The nonprofit workshop supports the needy program and projects. Youth and adults are welcome to join the Community workshop.
Arts & Culture
Youth, Elderly, Pregnant mothers, Mothers with Children, fathers with sons, Youth with concerns, and more can join. You can draw, paint, and create a poster to post. Post on display for causes!
Drawing, carving, and painting sculptures with reassuring communities
Present your art form in showcases in the nonprofit.
The National and International help for charitable efforts benefiting communities poor.
Caring for the dire needs
Our hope is: You bring individual concerns to our nonprofit care group?
The care groups are volunteers who devote their time and professional experience to helping others.
Who have needs and seek advice on their issues?
Request for charitable support for those faced in community dire needs.
Pulling the community together to join
Donors supporting programs and projects
Investors support Investors-funds
The Director and Secretary of the Arts and Culture Department of Humanities development and charitable awareness gifts. The Organization leading organization office of operations.
More formation at the GCPTALKS Arts and Culture nonprofit