GCPTALKS.ORG veut aider l'artiste talentueux de la communauté à s'inspirer des affaires de sensibilisation à la société

World Music Audience
This is the non-Charitable file material in review 5/18/2022
Curriculum Vitae - OBINNA CHUKOM OKORE
Surename: Okore
Firstname: Obinna
Middlename: Chukom
Stage Name - Dakomi Gogo
Religion - Christian
Academic Qualification / Schools Attended
1. Obiene Central School - First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC)
2. Federal Government College Ohafia - West African Secondary School Certificate (WASSC).
3. Ebonyi State University, Abakiliki - Sociology - Bachelor Degree (B.Sc.)
Current city - Lagos
Nationality - Nigeria
State of Origin - Abia State
LGA - Arochukwu
Career Experience
Musician/Performing Artist
I released my first 15 tracked Albums in 2011 Titled "Buy My Tomato" in a well-organized concert where I featured some of the best parts of the time, including, renowned Nigeria top celebrities like Slow Dogg, Xten Baba, Stomrex..etc.
In 201 8, I hosted another high-calibre concert in my hometown Ututu, to encourage local talents who may be struggling to develop their music skills in the African grassroots. It was a big success and the concert featured big names in the Southeast part of Nigeria like Paddy Patrick (the Ishi Monkey Crooner), Don Fairymonk (International Music Award Winner in Romania), Brown Sugarman, Xten Baba, and many more.
Hobby - Singing and traveling
Power in Numbers
Project Gallery