GCPTALKS.ORG Wants To Help Community Talented Artist Get Inspired by Society Awareness Affairs

Charity Reports
The Charity Reports page.
GCPTALKS 501(C)(3) EIN 83-3626977
Our charity organization GCPTALKS is practicing its charitable calling by making the giving back effort beneficial to the needy. And it's made all possible because of donors like you. Now you are being presented with updated information on our ongoing programs and projects because of you.
Thanks for the choice you made as a donor. Your funds for our causes will help to improve lives.
GCPTALKS charity reports.
These charity reports are for the nonprofit organization portfolio.
Section one of charity reports
The website page for GCPTALKS, Inc
www.GCPTALKS.ORG nonprofit organization Community Programs.

Section two of charity reports
Section three of charity reports
Section four of charity reports
Program services
Office Purchase
Payment to affiliate
Other expenses
Total Expenses
$1,345.4 "Year 2020
$1392 Year 2020
$788.88 "Year, 2020
$3,444.79 "Year, 2021
Section four of charity reports
These funds giving by donors will support monthly and yearly operations that the nonprofit organization is about. Updates of other fundraising campaign and programs and projects will be presented and any giving time.
Our 501(c)(3) is striving to make a better community through donors donation and members long-term commitments for a community change.